Day 2/90
Basic Linux commands:
Check your present working directory:
pwd --> Print working directory
It shows the current working directory that you are in.ubuntu@ip-000-31-92-000:~/Episodes$ pwd /home/ubuntu/Episodes
List all the files or directories including hidden files:
ls option_flag arguments --> Lists the subdirectories and files available in the present directory.ubuntu@ip-000-31-92-000:~/Episodes$ ls Ansible Jenkins Terraform
ls -a --> List all including hidden files and directory
ubuntu@ip-000-31-92-000:~/Episodes$ ls -a . .. Ansible Jenkins Terraform
Creating a nested directory A/B/C/D/E
mkdir Episodes --> Makes a new folder 'Episodes'ubuntu@ip-000-31-92-000:~$ mkdir Episodes ubuntu@ip-000-31-92-000:~$ ls Episodes
mkdir A B C D --> Makes multiple new folders at the same time
ubuntu@ip-172-31-92-206:~$ mkdir A B C D ubuntu@ip-172-31-92-206:~$ ls Episodes A B C D
mkdir -p A/B/C/D --> Makes a nested folder
ubuntu@ip-000-31-92-000:~$ mkdir -p A/B/C/D ubuntu@ip-000-31-92-000:~$ tree -d A A └── B └── C └── D 3 directories
While this blog has provided an overview of some fundamental Linux commands, it is important to note that the Linux command line is vast and offers an extensive array of tools and options. Exploring more advanced commands and their functionalities can further enhance your productivity and allow you to take full advantage of the Linux environment.
Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient in using Linux commands.